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Alpine Armoring® CEO Featured in CBS MoneyWatch Article

Alpine Armoring
Last Updated09/11/24
Read Time1 min

What does it take to be an armored truck guard?

By Megan Cerullo, June 19, 2023

"Their purpose is to be high-profile to signal that they're protected," Fred Khoroushi, president of Virginia-based armored vehicle manufacturer Alpine Armoring, told CBS MoneyWatch. As a result, most armored vehicle thefts are so-called inside jobs, according to industry experts. "In the U.S., nearly all thefts are an inside job. Normally they know about it, the routes, the drop-offs, the vehicle itself, what the weaknesses are. It's rare that you actually get attacked by a completely outside, unrelated outfit," Khoroushi added.

Read the article at CBS.com MoneyWatch.

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